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The Search Sites

A service of InfoSeek, this is a keyword searchable database. The results of your search request are links with the document titles which matched your query. This is the free version of their commercial service.
When you make a search request to ALIWEB, the results are returned to you as links each with a brief description.
The Lycos database contains almost 5 million document references! This is probably the largest collection of links available in a keyword searchable database. The results of your search request are returned with the document link, keywords, outline, and an excerpt of the document. Highly recommended.
The MEGA searcher - SavvySearch submits your keyword search request to some or all of these search engines:
Lycos, Web Crawler, NIKOS, Archie, Usenet FAQs, Webster, Roget's Thesaurus, Harvest: home pages, Harvest: 1-800 Directory, EINet Galaxy, Yahoo, Harvest: Technical Reports, Harvest: NetNews, Internet Movie Database: People, and Internet Movie Database: Titles.
The results of your query are returned as links to the pages which matched the search with the name of the database the search result is from.
Yahoo is a keyword searchable, hierarchical database. This means that you can find documents either by following topic links at Yahoo OR search by keywords. The results of a search are the document link with a brief description.
AOL's WebCrawler
A service of America Online, this is a keyword searchable database. The results of your search request are links with the document titles which matched your query.

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